Mradul Kadam

Operational Finance Partner

June 2024 as an Operational Finance Partner. In his role, he manages financial processes and policies, and is responsible for budgeting, financial planning, and forecasting.

Prior to joining Catalyst, Mradul gained over five years of experience working in credit management, credit controlling, forecasting, and budgeting with companies like IKEA and LSEG. He holds an MBA in accounting and finance, which underpins his expertise in the field.

Mradul’s passion for music and instruments drew him to work at Catalyst, as it allows him to stay connected to the world of music while following his professional career. He excels at building connections with people, and his favorite part of the job is collaborating with his team.

Outside of Catalyst, Mradul enjoys cooking delicious meals while listening to his favorite music or planning his next vacation. He finds the most excitement in traveling and cooking, and his life motto is to "hustle, learn, grow, stay progressive and never give up."

What brings him the most satisfaction is being surrounded by his loved ones, seeing their smiling and happy faces.